Peter Wilderotter is running the London Marathon on May 22nd while raising funds for the Christopher and Dana Reeve foundation. Throughout his training in the 26 days leading up to the race Peter wrote 26 different stories about different people that he has met through the foundation with spinal cord injuries and their families. Peter is leading by example by doing this Marathon There are so many other stories that need to be told in order to help our community.
Peter highlighted me as mile number 25. The significance of number 25 represents this coming January 2, 2013 marks 25 years since I have paralyzed. Thank you so very much Peter for taking on this effort. Remember"Never Say Never" and I will see you August 5th at triathlon in Belmar.
the link below is to Peter's blog which has all 26 of the stories you should read.each one of the stories shows different sides of this injury and how people are affected, but also how they overcome as well.